
Trapped Into Living: Women's Work Environment and their Perceptions of Health

Author(s): Swaminathan, Padmini


Published Year: 2005

This book covers different arena of women's work – women as industrial workers in informal sector, women workers in the growing export-oriented cultivation of grapes and women in urban slums forced into home-based work largely because of decline in traditional manufacturing activities. In this book attempt has been made to map multidimensional nature of women's work, address the contexts in which such work is carried out, bring together women's perceptions of their well-being and analyse these perceptions for their links between 'work' and 'health'.

Though the case studies do not directly show linkages to globalisation, they do show the adverse effect of larger changes in the economy affecting their lives. This book makes an attempt to bring out various nuances in the issues relating to the changing socio- economic scenario rendering the poor and women in particular – more vulnerable. Download full report

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