
Health of Muslims in Maharashtra


Published Year: 2014








The report “Health of Muslims in Maharashtra” is an outcome of a project commissioned to CEHAT by the Maharashtra State Minorities Commission. It is based on a systematic review of existing studies and analysis of secondary data sources. What is evident is that a large percentage of Muslims in Maharashtra live in a context of alienation, deprivation and insecurity. The prejudice against the community, everyday experiences of discrimination and harassment impacts their overall well being, quality of life and access to public institutions. The poor availability of health facilities, poor access to clean drinking water and sanitation in the Muslim dominated pockets or ghettos reflects the systematic neglect by the state. Living in such conditions itself is a violation. An edited version of the report is published as chapter 7 of the Report on “Socio-economic and Educational Backwardness of Muslims in Maharashtra” published by the Government of Maharashtra. Download full report

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