
CEHAT produces a wide range of scholarly publications, reports and IEC resources highlighting the intersection and interaction of health, health systems and gender. Our open-access research outputs, publications and resources aim to inform grassroots practice, advocacy, campaigns and policymakers.


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Journal Articles

Health and healthcare in India: Responding to the changing scenario

Author(s): Duggal, Ravi


Published Year: 2004

Paper presented at the Observer Research Foundation National Consultation, January 2004

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Report of the National Workshop on Right to Health Care

Author(s): CEHAT, Jan Swasthya Abhiyan


Published Year: 2004

Mumbai: CEHAT, ii, 21 p., January 2004. September 5, 2003 and National Consultation on Health Care as Human Right, September 6, 2003.

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Journal Articles

Offering contraceptive choices post-abortion: The ignored link by service providers

Author(s): Saha, Shelley, Manasee, Mishra


Published Year: 2003

Paper presented in the Symposium on Expanding Contraceptive Choices: International and Indian Experiences and their Implications for Policies and Programmes,Mumbai 7-10 December 2003, 8 p.

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Journal Articles

Health and human rights are inextricably intertwined

Author(s): Mahabal, Kamayani Bali


Published Year: 2003

4(21), 1-15 December 2003, pp.15-17

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Journal Articles

Should public hospitals participate in medical tourism

Author(s): Duggal, Ravi


Published Year: 2003

Express Healthcare Management, 4(22), 16-31 December 2003, 11p.

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Journal Articles

Abortion economics- cost and expenditures

Author(s): Duggal, Ravi


Published Year: 2003

Seminar, 532, December 2003, pp.47-52

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Journal Articles

Profiteering in medicines

Author(s): Phadke, Anant


Published Year: 2003

Economic and Political Weekly, XXXVIII(39), 27 September to 3 October 2003, 4070 p.

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Journal Articles

Why tar all Reasons for Euthanasia with a common brush?

Author(s): Mahabal, Kamayani Bali


Published Year: 2003

Express Healthcare Management, 4(20), 1-15 November 2003, 18 p.

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Assessing Potential for Induced Abortion Among Indian Women

Author(s): Dilip, T. R., Mishra, U. S.


Published Year: 2003

Mumbai: CEHAT, x,18 p., November 2003. [ISBN 81-89042-25-4]

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Journal Articles

Operationalising Right to Healthcare in India

Author(s): Duggal, Ravi


Published Year: 2003

Asian Social Forum, Hyderabad, January 2003 (also presented revised version at the CSIH International Conference on Right to Health Ottawa, Canada) October 2003, 26p.

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