Developing a Health Sector Response to Violence Against Women National Workshop (18- 20 October 2013)

CEHAT is pleased to announce a 3-day workshop on developing a health sector response to Violence Against Women. The aim of the workshop is to equip professionals of both not-for-profit and government organizations to partner with the health sector to respond to violence against women.

Objectives Specific objectives of the workshop are: • Understanding a hospital based crisis centre model • Develop a health sector response to sexual assault

Participants Middle to senior level professionals from the field of medicine, counselling, nursing, social work.

Background India is at a crucial juncture with respect to policy making on violence against women, as there is a growing demand to reform public systems (health, police and judiciary). The Government of India (GOI) has been instrumental in setting up committees to reform current practices, including concerns raised by several civil society groups, in the Five Year Plan as well as allocating finances to specific ministries for rolling out some of the schemes related to ending violence against women. Establishment of 100 one stop crisis centres (OSCC) in public hospitals is underway as directed by the Planning commission of India. These OSCCs are under the umbrella scheme of the Ministry of women and child department (MWCD).

CEHAT has, since long, engaged with the public health sector on the issue of VAW and an outcome of those engagements has been establishment of Dilaasa, a public hospital based crisis centre responding to both domestic violence and sexual assault and creation along with implementation of comprehensive and gender sensitive health care protocols for dealing with violence against women.

This is an opportune time for civil society organisations and feminist groups to ensure that the health systems respond to the issue of violence against women in a sensitive, appropriate and comprehensive manner. In order to achieve this goal, CEHAT plans to organise a3-day workshop to present learnings and strategies to engage with the health sector for responding to violence against women.

Deadline for the submission of application: 1st October 2013

Venue: International YMCA, Mumbai Central, Mumbai. Cost of course materials, boarding and lodging will be borne by CEHAT. Travel cost will need to be borne by the participant/organization.

Medium of instruction: English and Hindi

Application forms are available here

The completed application form can be sent via email to:


You may submit the application form online via the following link

About CEHAT: Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT), is the research center of the Anusandhan Trust, which conducts research, training, service and advocacy on health and related issues. Socially relevant, rigorous academic health research and action at CEHAT is for the well-being of disadvantaged masses, for strengthening people's health movements and realizing right to health care.

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