Organisational Structure

At CEHAT, we have a democratic and participatory and layered model of decision-making. The trustees of the Anusandhan Trust constitute the Governing Board, the Working Group elected by the staff members directs the day-to-day functioning of CEHAT, while the Programme Development Committee reviews CEHAT's work.


The Working Group directs the day-to-day functioning at CEHAT. It is CEHAT’s principal decision-making body monitoring and reviewing all project financials, administrative and staffing matters, and implementing relevant decisions. The elected members represent staff from all levels including administrative and project staff.


  1. Amruta Bavadekar (Ex Officio Member)
  2. Sanjida Arora
  3. Ajinkya Deshmukh
  4. Swati Pereira

The PDC provides programmatic and methodological guidance by monitoring and reviewing the quality of CEHAT's work. The PDC’s multi-disciplinary panel, comprising CEHAT's senior researchers and external experts, review all resource materials produced by CEHAT- from reports and policy briefs to campaigns and posters.

PDC Members:

Dr. Padmini Swaminathan - Dr. Swaminathan’s work is focused on industrial organisation, labour, occupational health and skill development – from a gender perspective. She is the former Director of the Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, where she also held the post of the Reserve Bank of India Chair in Regional Economics till her retirement.

Dr. Padma Prakash - Dr. Prakash is a sociologist, academic journalist, and women’s rights activist with a specialisation in the sociology of medicine and health and the sociology of sports. She is a Editor/Director, eSocialSciences, an Asia focused repository and publication space, a unit of IRIS Knowledge Foundation.

Dr. Padma Bhate-Deosthali - Dr. Padma has extensive experience in research, training, and policy advocacy in the areas of gender-based violence, gender in medical education, health policy research, regulation of the private health sector, and women and work, with a focus on health and human rights. She currently works with CREA as a Program Director on issues of sexual and reproductive health and advancing gender, sexuality and rights in the sanitation sector

Renu Khanna - Renu is a feminist women’s health and rights activist. She has a Masters in Business Administration from Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University. She is a founder trustee of SAHAJ-Society for Health Alternatives based in Vadodara. As a Gender and Health trainer, Renu has been part of a network to develop a short course on Gender and Health and Gendered Research in Health and has conducted several Gender and Health workshops for health professionals including policy makers.

Dr. Vibhuti Patel - Dr. Patel is an Economist and the Managing Trustee of Anusandhan Trust. She is the Vice-President of Indian Association for Women’s Studies and Expert Committee member of School of Gender and Development Studies, IGNOU, Delhi.

Dr. U. Vindhya - U. Vindhya, Ph.D. is a former Professor of Psychology and Deputy Director, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad campus. Her research concerns are located in the broader field of gender studies, in the interface of psychology and feminism, focusing on gender-based violence, women’s mental health, and the psychology of women’s political activism.

Amruta Bavadekar - Amruta is currently the Director of CEHAT. She is involved in the work on 'Integrating Gender in Medical Education' led by CEHAT. Her areas of research interest are women's health, gender and health, sexual and reproductive health. She has done her Master's in Anthropology from University of Pune and is currently pursuing PhD from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS).

Sanjida Arora - Sanjida is a Senior Research Officer at CEHAT. She is a trained dentist with Masters in Public Health from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. She has 7 years of experience of working on women's health issues at CEHAT.

Institutional ethics committee at Anusandhan Trust is a multi-disciplinary independent body which reviews all its research activities as defined in the Standard Operating Procedure. The IEC’s panel of external and internal members are selected by trustees of Anusandhan Trust based on their expertise and scientific knowledge. AT-IEC is provisionally registered with National Ethics Committee Registry for Biomedical and Health Research, Department of Health Research National Ethics Committee Registry for Biomedical and Health Research - EC/NEW/IND/2023/MH/0339

The IEC-AT can be contacted via email at or on phone  915 24 41949

IEC Members

External Members

Dr. Anant Bhan - Dr. Bhan is a researcher in global health, health policy and bioethics with 18+ years of experience and numerous publications. A medical graduate and a Master's in Bioethics from the University of Toronto, Canada, Dr. Bhan currently works with Sangath at its Bhopal Hub.

Dr. Surinder Jaswal - Dr. Jaswal is currently the Deputy Director (Research) at Tata Institute of Social Sciences and holds a doctorate degree in Public Health from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London. Her research interests include social work education, public health, public mental health, disaster studies and social science research.

Dr. Nilangi Sardeshpande - Dr Sardeshpande holds a doctorate from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and works as an independent health researcher. Her research interests include health equity, nutrition, women’s access to healthcare, and health budgets.

Ms. Anubha Rastogi - Ms. Rastogi is an independent lawyer. She has a vast legal and human rights background with 16 years' experience in providing survivors of human rights violations access to justice with a special focus on women's rights.

Ms. Kajal Jain - Ms. Jain is working as a Programme Coordinator at Masum, Pune, Maharashtra. She has over 14 years of experience in the development sector in programme development, management and coordination, strategy development, multiple task management, monitoring and evaluation, facilitation of community led processes.


Dr. Sanjida Arora (Member Secretary), Senior Research Officer, CEHAT, Mumbai - A trained dentist with Masters in Public Health from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. She has 7 years of experience of working on women's health issues at CEHAT.

Ms. Deepali Yakkundi is a Research Officer at SATHI, Pune, Maharashtra. She has expertise in conducting community-based research and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data.

CEHAT’s Internal Committee is committed to a working and learning environment, free of discrimination and intimidation at work, and is constituted to tackling complaints of sexual harassment promptly, impartially, sensitively and confidentially.


  • Presiding officer: Amruta Bavadekar
  • Internal: Swati Pereira and Ajinkya Deshmukh
  • External: Adv. Ujwala Kadrekar

An employee aggrieved by any decision/action or dispute on any issue may approach the WG for redressal after an attempt is made to sought the grievance within the team at an informal level. While the decision of the WG will be binding, the employee has the right to appeal against it to the General Body (GB). The decision of the GB will be final.

Know more about CEHAT’s Grievance Redressal System.

Members: Rajeeta Chavan, Sanjida Arora

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