
Health and Healthcare in Maharashtra: A Status Report

Author(s): Duggal, Ravi, Dilip, T. R., Raymus, Prashant


Published Year: 2005

Health and Healthcare in Maharashtra – A Status Report is a comprehensive and analytical compilation of healthcare development of Maharashtra bringing together all available information and data on health and healthcare. The book has six chapters which focus on socio-economic and demographic profile of Maharashtra, the organisational structure and systems of public health care services at various levels in urban as well as rural areas, the physical infrastructure for delivery of health care services and the wide rural-urban disparity in access to these services, review of healthcare facilities available in public sector in the state, analysis of declining public expenditure on health care services including curative care as well as preventive and promotive programmes and some indicators of health status such as infant mortality, child mortality, life expectancy, morbidity and hospitalisation, nutritional status, water supply and sanitation in Maharashtra. The discussion in all chapters is analytic and backed by strong evidence in 46 tables with time-series data on a wide range of health and related issues. Read more


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