
Uprooted Homes Uprooted Lives: Key Findings of a Study on the Impact of Involuntary Resettlement on a Slum Community in Mumbai

Author(s): Madhiwalla, Neha, Contractor, Qudsiya, Gopal, Meena


Published Year: 2006

This report is a synopsis of key findings of the study on the impact of involuntary resettlement of a slum community in Mumbai. The key findings reveal the hardships that the community has to face due to its resettlement leading to several problems such as loss of employment, poor enrolment in educational institutes due to lack of schools, health disorders – physical and mental and difficulty in accessing public health facilities and impact on women. The findings show that those resettled have very little bargaining power to influence decisions in situations of urban relocation that violate their very rights to citizenship apart from the basic rights to shelter, livelihood, education, health care and a life of dignity. Download full report

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