
Uprooted Homes Uprooted Lives: A Study of the Impact of Involuntary Resettlement of a Slum Community in Mumbai

Author(s): Madhiwalla, Neha, Contractor, Qudsiya, Gopal, Meena


Published Year: 2006

This report has revealed the impact of involuntary resettlement of a slum community in Mumbai. This study attempts to capture the nuances of the social experience of resettlement and reflects on its consequences. The issues highlighted in this report pertaining to resettlement are health, education, water, employment and social life from a human rights perspective. Involuntary resettlement most certainly means the disruption of an entire way of life and clearly constitutes a humanitarian crisis. The experience clearly shows that resettlements in the manner in which it has been conducted, violates the basic rights of the people. Download full report

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