
Manual for medical examination of sexual assault


Published Year: 2010

This manual has been written based on the experiences of a pilot intervention for developing a comprehensive health care response to sexual assault in two public hospitals in Mumbai.

The manual is an important contribution to strengthening the knowledge and understanding of providers in India on how to respond to sexual assault survivors. It should contribute to better care and better outcomes for victims/survivors, who are primarily women and children. The encounter with the health provider can contribute to the healing process or conversely can be an experience of revictimization. The more providers understand the issues surrounding sexual violence, and the psychological and physical needs of survivors and are able to provide the basic care and psychosocial support, and carry out a sensitive forensic examination when appropriate, the more likely they can help the survivor in the healing process. Where this is not possible, clear referral pathways should be established to ensure survivors can access the necessary care and support. Download full report

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