
Gender in Medical Education: Perceptions of Medical Educators: Study conducted among medical educators of seven medical colleges in Maharashtra

Author(s): John, Priya, Bavadekar, Amruta, Hasnain, Ameerah, Karandikar, Asilata


Published Year: 2015

The report is based on a study conducted among medical educators in seven medical colleges in Maharashtra regarding their perceptions on the relevance of gender in medical education. The study was undertaken as a part of CEHAT’s pioneering work on the integration of gender in medical education in Maharashtra supported by DMER, MUHS and UNFPA. The study explores the perceptions of medical educators regarding social determinants of health in the medical curriculum and gender sensitivity in medical teaching and practice vis-à-vis abortion, sex selection and violence against women. The findings throw light on the dire need to infuse the medical curriculum and training with gender theory and concepts so as to ensure the creation of a gender-sensitive and socially relevant medical force in the country.

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