
Ninth Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture On Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences On Grant Medical College and Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy Hospital: Foundation, Renown and Decline By Dr. Sunil K. Pandya Neurosurgeon, Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

Author(s): Pandya, K. Sunil


Published Year: 2018

Anusandhan Trust's Ninth Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture Series On Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences On Grant Medical College and Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy Hospital: Foundation, Renown and Decline By Dr. Sunil K. Pandya Neurosurgeon, Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

Venue: Jivraj Mehta lecture Hall (MLT) , College Building, Seth GSMC and KEM hospital Parel, Mumbai 400012.

Time: 2.00 pm to 4:00 pm, Thursday, 27th September 2018

Organised by: Centre for Enquiry Into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT) and Department of Medical Humanities, Seth GSMC and KEM With eSocial Sciences and The Forum for Medical Ethics Society (FMES)

Grant Medical College and Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy Hospital: Foundation, Renown and Decline

This lecture attempts to capture the nuances of the early narrative of these institutions and the people and the circumstances that made possible the establishment of the eminent educational institutions and hospital. The narrative is important for many reasons not least of which is that the Grant Medical College was driven to provide an avenue for full medical education and training to Indians comparable to any that was received in England. It did not, like other institutions established in India confine itself to producing native assistants. This it did against considerable resistance from the colonial government. An attempt will also be made to unravel the many reasons that might have contributed to the decline beginning in the later part of the 19th century, of the institution that began with such lofty goals. The lecture will conclude with reflections on the current state of medical education, setting them against the inspired and dedicated work of pioneers in the field, both British and Indian who in their own way fought the might of the colonial interests.


Dr. Sunil K. Pandya

Dr. Sunil is trained as a neurosurgeon and is currently associated with Jaslok Hospital. He is known for his contribution to ethical medical practice, for increasing the public’s awareness of bioethics, and for his untiring advocacy to bring ethics to the centre stage of health care and into the conduct of health professionals. Over and above everything that he has done as a medical professional and a reformer of medical practice and services, Dr Pandya’s contribution has been in laying the foundation of a medical ethics journal. His constant efforts led him to look beyond the narrow discipline of clinical medicine to the fields of medical history and bioethics. This interest led him to document the history of his alma mater, the Grant Medical College, to trace the development of hospitals and medical services in Mumbai, to write the history of medical ethics from ancient times to today in India, and so on.

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