
Integrating gender perspectives in gynecology and obstetrics: Engaging medical colleges in Maharashtra, India

Author(s): Rege, Sangeeta, Bhate-Deosthali, Padma, Shingare, Pravin, Gadappa, Srinivas, Deshpande, Sonali, Gaikwad, Nandkishore , Vaidya, Shailesh


Published Year: 2019

Failure to acknowledge the impact of sex and gender differences affects the quality of health care provision, and is an impediment to reducing health inequities. Systematic efforts were initiated in Maharashtra, India for reducing these disparities by developing gender-integrated curricula in undergraduate (UG) medical education between 2015 and 2018. A review of UG obstetrics and gynecology curricula indicated a lack of gender lens and focus on the reproductive rights of women. Based on these gaps, a gender- integrated curriculum was developed, implemented, and tested with medical students.
Significant positive attitudes were seen among male and female students for themes such as access to safe abortion; understanding reproductive health concerns and their complex relationship with gender roles; violence against women as a health issue; and sexuality and health. These results strengthened the resolve to advocate for such a curriculum to be integrated across all medical colleges in the state.
Gender; Medical education; Reproductive health; Rights

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