
Round Table meeting on the issue of Abortion and Sex Selection


Published Year: 1970

A round table was organised on the issue of abortion and sex selection. A selected group comprising of demographers, abortion advocate, researchers, women�s rights activist and medical professional participated in the discussion. The discussion focused on a range of issues namely, efficacy of the PCPNDT Act, sex determination rooted within the widely prevalent gender discrimination in the society, efficacy of initiatives to combat declining sex ratio, framing the issue- rights issue or of Violence against Women. CEHAT played a significant role by contributing in the strengthening of the legislation on abortion. CEHAT is part of the expert committee which has initiated the process of bringing in amendments to the MTP Act. CEHAT is also part of a campaign on maternal health which is attempting to highlight the abortion issue as an important component within maternal health.

The District Level committees that were formed for better implementation of the Act play an important role in the implementation of the MTP Act. The consortium is conducting extensive consultations with the members to understand the nature of their functioning and identifying the challenges faced by them in implementing the MTP Act. So that in could build group of civil society organisations that would interface with the administration, be vigilant about the implementation of the MTP Act and restore women�s right to abortion in the entire process.

In order to create more awareness about women�s right to abortion a series of awareness materials are developed on the issue of women�s right to safe and legal abortion services. As part of this activity the visual and print medium are being used to spread messages about issues related to abortion. A website has been launched which provides access to information related to women�s access to abortion, information material has been prepared for communities as well as medical professional to enhance their knowledge about women�s right to abortion.

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